Attract and retain more patients

Supporting the Coloplast Mission

Coloplast is committed to making life easier for people with intimate healthcare needs. This requires understanding patient’s medical and personal challenges, but also the significant financial burden that uninsured or underinsured patients feel when seeking the medical care they want and need.


The Care Cap Plus Alternative

Unlike a medical credit card or loan, Care Cap Plus is an alternative payment option for patients with monthly, affordable payment terms, without threat of interest or fees. Harnessing the power of technology with superior customer service, Care Cap Plus provides a socially responsible and compassionate payment option designed to make health care more attainable and affordable for more patients.


of the procedure’s cost are paid upfront, eliminating the provider’s financial risk. Providers retain the upfront payment for all payment options.


of surveyed patients said that they would utilize payment plans for their healthcare bills if given the option.


of all patients accepted, even a credit score as low as 400.

More Patients = More Revenue

When you add Care Cap Plus to your patient financing mix, more of your patients will have access to the care they need and want.

Cost of Care

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For Grown Ups Only: Men And ED

Reimagine the patient financial experience

Expand your revenue cycle to include Care Cap Plus